Startseite  >  Zypern  >  Lanarka  >  City Comfortable Apartment
City Comfortable ApartmentFerienwohnung  ★★★
Apt. 14 Stasinou Street 20
Lanarka, 6023

Anzahl der Räume: 1
Anreise: 15:00
Abreise: 11:00
Bewertungsergebnis: 5.7
Bewertungen: 29

Sprachen, die von den Mitarbeitern von City Comfortable Apartment:
Ελληνικά, English
Johny’s Spot in LarnacaJohny’s Spot in LarnacaFerienwohnung  ★★★★
Stasinou 14, Lanarka, 6023
~ 0 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
PERSEUS 3 BEDROOM Apartment 102PERSEUS 3 BEDROOM Apartment 102Ferienwohnung  ★★★
Triton court flat 100 14 Stasinou, Lanarka, 6023
~ 0 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
Center 2Br Apt w/ parking and 250m walk from beachCenter 2Br Apt w/ parking and 250m walk from beachFerienwohnung  ★★★
15 Stasinou, Lanarka, 6023
~ 6 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
Paradise Homes 7Paradise Homes 7Ferienwohnung  ★★★
Stasinou, Lanarka, 6023
~ 11 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
STAY Citycore ApartmentSTAY Citycore ApartmentFerienwohnung  ★★★
Stasinou, 14, Lanarka, 6024
~ 14 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
Tropical Paradise 200m From Finikoudes BeachTropical Paradise 200m From Finikoudes BeachFerienwohnung  ★★★
Kounnes Building 22 Stasinou, Lanarka, 6023
~ 32 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
City RendezvousCity RendezvousFerienwohnung  ★★★
Grigori Afxentiou, Lanarka, 6023
~ 35 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
Studio apartmentStudio apartmentFerienwohnung  ★★★
Apostolou Varnava 2, Tsokkos court 3, Flat 104, Lanarka, 6023
~ 45 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
Unique City Hostel 100 meters from BeachUnique City Hostel 100 meters from BeachHostel
Apostolou Varava 4 4 Apostolou Varnava, Lanarka, 6023
~ 47 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
CityCenter Rooms Next to the BeachCityCenter Rooms Next to the BeachPrivatzimmer
4 Apostolou Varnava, Lanarka, 6023
~ 47 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
P L PANAGIOTIS ApartmentP L PANAGIOTIS ApartmentFerienwohnung  ★★★
Stasinou 5, Lanarka, 6023
~ 54 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
Amazonia Flat 102Amazonia Flat 102Ferienwohnung  ★★★
Shams Court , first floor flat 102 5 Stasinou, Lanarka, 6023
~ 51 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
Petalmo City ApartmentsPetalmo City ApartmentsFerienwohnung  ★★★
50, Lordou Vironos street, Lanarka, 6023
~ 53 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
Albert’s Apartment Center 202BAlbert’s Apartment Center 202BFerienwohnung  ★★★
Flat 202, Shams Residence 5 Stasinou, Lanarka, 6023
~ 60 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
Seaside Comfort ResidenceSeaside Comfort ResidenceFerienwohnung  ★★★
Apt.304 Shams Court, Fourth Floor, Stasinou 5, Lanarka, 6023
~ 68 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment
Seaside Elegance RetreatSeaside Elegance RetreatFerienwohnung  ★★★
Apt.402, Shams Court, Fourth Floor, Stasinou 5, Lanarka, 6023
~ 71 Meter von City Comfortable Apartment